Getting Started
Project based learning is undeniably an effective teaching approach for students of all abilities. It helps students understand and apply the scientific and mathematical principles taught in class and equip them with important problem solving skills.We aim to promote innovation, career development and problem solving through the contest.
We hope the contest will enhance and expand your knowledge of business, design, programming and leadership. We strongly encourage multidisciplinary teams since there is more to the software engineering process than just programming.
Topic Selection
Choose a topic that you feel solves a problem. You should clearly identify the problem and then work towards solving it. This will keep you motivated and focused.In this contest your topic has to be about one of our themes. Make sure all your teammates agree on it before moving forward.
Team work is a big part in the real world software industry and the earlier you learn to be a team player the better.The success of your team is entirely dependent on how well you work together. All members must do their work and take responsibility of their assigned tasks.
Setting your goals
Outline your goals clearly and follow the timeline. Be careful not to get so caught up in one stage that you affect all other subsequent stages. Timelines have to be strictly met and adequate notice has to be given in case of unavoidable circumstances with a clear plan on how the objectives missed will be met and how it affects the entire project.
Agile methodology
Practice Agile development. "Don't spend weeks planning out every intricate part of the system. Create a working prototype, something that proves your point, it can be in the form of an html site in place of your app, just something to help flush out how the end user actually uses your program". Try to test the various features with real users in order to get feedback as you continue with development. The faster you can get a product in front of it's users the better.
Staying motivated
Programming can be frustrating at times. Be careful not to get caught up on the little things. Take a break, go eat something and talk to someone. Some time all you need is a second pair of eyes. Have a teammate or friend look at your code and try to explain to them what you were doing before the code broke. Talking aloud sometime helps you identify the mistake you did. Turn to the internet to ask your question if you still can't figure out the problem. Forums such as stack overflow have lots of questions and answers to most of the common issues in programming.
If you don't know "stack overflow" please please don't say it loud, you don't want your nerdy friends to know this about you, just google it!!!!!!!!!!!